Sunday, October 18, 2009

The glory that shines from within us is not our own; it is God’s glory and His alone. Our brother, Paul, explains that we are jars of clay – fragile, chipped, imperfect – exactly as God designed us to be. In this way, others see the “all surpassing power” of God through our weakened frames and shattered lives. We are monuments of God’s grace with an inscription written in God’s own hand: “within this earthen container, the one true God is at work.”

Yet we try to put our own “shine” on our simple jars of clay. We maneuver and posture to make our jars looks better. We decorate the outside with ecclesiastical “vain glories” that we call image, power, position, wealth. Quite simply, we try to make ourselves appear more than what we are, failing to grasp that God loves us just for who we are – His own creations.

When we try to make it look like we are the ones who shine, we inevitably reveal our “easily surpasssable power.” Yet this gives us greater understanding that in our weakness, God is strong. His light shines through even greater; His strength is revealed when we acknowledge we are God’s jars of clay.

- Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotional

It's when we lack a necessity, when the common becomes scarce, when there seems to be nothing to pull us back from the darkness that constantly threatens to shroud us ... and when we turn to Him - that we realise that indeed, we have an abundance promised to us, this overwhelming supply by He who provides.
And although the tendency is to whinge and whine and be generally irritable and grumpy when exam season is upon us, there is reason for thankfulness, for the fact that we have ample opportunity to learn, no? =)

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
- Matthew 6:33

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