Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter and holidays

I just came back from the Oceania Convention at Phillip Island. It was a really amazing experience just personally encountering God, learning how to better serve in ministry, getting to extend fellowship beyond just friends but to a real sisterhood and just really soaking in and being refreshed by Him. =D From BGR talks in a cabin late at night, playing Saboteur with the youths, having a cup noodle party the final night, to playing in a mixed team and just really letting the Spirit guide us through, to a sharing of childhood dreams and future callings, I've been abundantly blessed by this year's Easter. There was something different about this year's OC, and it is now my fervent prayer that we do not let this die down. =D
So I'm on my vacation rotation and one question I've been asked is how I plan to spend this holidays. Well, I really just want to rest and relax, and the only things I've got on agenda is to go to Canberra to renew my passport as well as all the hospital information days. I guess I am really glad for the opportunity to just do nothing and just really focus on job applications. And to start the next rotation really enthusiastic and excited, not exhausted. =D

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