Monday, July 27, 2009


I have been asked many times why I like oncology and why I hope to specialise in so depressing a field. People have told me that I am setting myself up for heartache and sorrow. But there is a satisfaction in helping someone who is in such considerable pain just experience a moment's relief. There is a joy in the health of a patient in remission who is doing well. There is a contentment in just improving the quality of life of someone such that he or she is able to enjoy life. There will be many times when there is not much that the doctor can do in terms of managing the disease. And it is heartbreaking and frustrating when that happens. But then you get a warm smile from a patient; or the patients thank you despite the fact that there isn't much that you can do; when they leave, perhaps a little more reassured than when they entered the room; it's times like this that make me even more determined. And when you do get the patient who is doing well, who is in long standing remission, it makes the victory all the more sweeter.


kohila said...

just to be able to give a person a moment's happiness =)

christina said...

that's what motivates me. =) it's amazing how strong these people are.