Monday, September 14, 2009


EDIT: Just because I feel the truth in these words... Hope IS eternal. =)

How true...


You know who you are, BFF!

* * *
I remember a time when writing in classmates' autographs was the craze in school. I looked forward to penning lines in the books with multicoloured pens and decorating those entries with stickers of all shapes, size and colour. Those were the days when my classmates and I would borrow those books home and mull and agonize over the words that would be inscribed. How to make it interesting, exciting, memorable. Because to our 12 year old minds and hearts, the transition from primary school to the mysterious environment of secondary school would inevitably lead to separation and the demise of relationships cultivated in the 6 years we spent together. And that the messages in the autographs would be the only mementoes of those hours spent in the classroom with only the whirring of ceiling fans in the background, of scrapes and tears and laughter and tomfoolery. It was bittersweet; the anticipation of a mature evolution of self against the backdrop of rents and tears in the fabric of childhood friendship.
I miss my primary school friends. The simplicity, naivete and innocence that was so apparent in our interactions, the many games we played during recess, the many blunders we made during PJK and classes, the prank played on a teacher involving a terrapin from science class, the trials and tribulations of the dreaded final exams... I would not be where I am now without these memories to mould me. I miss those times, yet I know that time moves on... as should I. Right?


*jeSSicA* said...

haha i miss those writing-autographs times too!

hmmm, my primary school life was bittersweet as well...secondary school life was more fun

christina said...

hehe, to me, secondary school was also quite bittersweet. haha.
the time i really enjoyed the most was pre-u, lol, both in sg and in sunway. =)

kohila said...

if i could hug you from 900km away, i would =) miss you loads =)

christina said...

if i could glomp u, i would... =) i miss u loads too...