Monday, September 29, 2008

My first tag...

Simple Rules:

  1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
  2. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
  3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
  4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged, and to read your blog.

So now, onto answering the tag proper:

1. I dislike wearing jeans. Which is why one finds me in trackpants or shorts (if the weather is warm enough) most of the time. I even think that slacks are more comfortable than jeans. Which is the reverse of what most people would say. I just feel that jeans are restrictive, and the material they are made of, a little too hard for my liking.

2. I like to keep my bed as clean as possible, which means most of the time, I do not sit on it or lie on it if I have not taken a shower. No eating on the bed either. And if I have just changed the sheets, I try as much as possible to not let the previous sheets or pillow cases to touch the clean ones. I've improved a bit with this, in the sense that if there is a blanket or comforter or doona over my bed, I am not as fussy about sitting on the blanket/comforter/doona, though I minimise that as much as possible. Pretty weird eh?

3. There was a period of time in my childhood when I really wanted to become a fashion designer. And when most of my day was filled with drawing random pictures. My dad used to bring home blank paper from his school for my siblings and I to draw on. I remember the many weird things we drew - ranging from layouts of our dream town to depictions of rooms at home. And then, as I got older, I tried to replicate faces from manga (Sailormoon was the craze when I was in primary school) and even later, I let my imagination run wild. Lol. There was also a time in Sunway where I was really enthusiastic about sketching portraits of real people from photographs. But it's pretty much in the past now. The only time I draw stuff here is when I play Pictionary, lol. =)

4. I think that I am a hoarder, a packrat, a collector, lol. Just so happens that the objects I keep have somewhat arguable value associated to them. In other words, most of the time, they're junk to the random observer. Things like wrapping paper from a birthday gift. Or the boxes that they came in. But to me, they have sentimental value, evoking nostalgic memories and eliciting fond remembrances of the time I had them/received them/ saw them. Sometimes, even a whiff of a scent can bring me back to fond times of childhood play and imagination, or teenage angst and insecurities, or of school time escapades, not that they were many. They serve like a stimulus to a movie in my head. And that is why I love all that I keep.

5. I tend to forget things people tell me relatively easily. Which is the reason why sometimes, I can recognise a face, but when I try to associate a name to that face, my mind comes up blank. And sometimes, birthdays slip my mind as well. That makes me appreciate Facebook all the more. Lol. I think for me to remember things well, I need both audio and visual inputs. Heh. Something to be changed? Lol.

6. I try to be early most of the time, whether it's for lectures or appointments with friends. I think with lectures and tutes, that's because I like to sit in a certain spot- most of the time, to ensure the most central view of the projected notes as possible. In R1, it's the 5th seat from the right in the central block, either the 4th or 5th row from the front. In the other lecture theatres, it pretty much depends on which side will the lecture slides be presented on. Lol. As for appointments with friends, I'd rather wait than have people waiting for me. Heh. I'd feel guilty if I'm late. Lol.

7. I like my 'me' time- time that I can spend alone in my room, with my thoughts, doing what I like- which ranges from reading fiction to watching anime or TV shows. My idea of a good time is precisely that. Yes, there are times which I spend with friends, when I enjoy their company very much, but there are times when I want to relax in the comfort of my room alone. Heh. I sound like a very boring person, eh? Lol.

8. I enjoy washing dishes. Yes, you read that right. I find it therapeutic to wash dishes. And iron clothes too. The repetitive motions and the difference before and after the deed is a form of release for me. Lol. Maybe I like it because there's visual evidence of improvement when sometimes it becomes difficult to see my life's purpose. Perhaps it's my obsessive and controlling personality taking over, where I have to have things done my way. Or it could just be that I am plain weird. Haha. Take a guess. Good luck with it though, because I'm not entirely sure of the answer myself. Lol.

Who do I tag?

1. Kohila

2. Wendy

3. Fiona

4. Li Ping

5. Ivie

6. Yun Ying

7. Yu Wan

8. Fawn


*jeSSicA* said...

li ping and yu wan kena tagged earlier by ryan dy =P

haha your 4th point is so like me!!

ohhh no wonder i never see u wear jeans...alright, wat bout skirts christina??

haha i know u enjoy washing dishes...LOL

kohila said...

I didn't know you wanted to become a fashion designer o.O that's so cool XD i learn new things about you everyday =)

the pics you drew in Sunway were really, really pretty. Very life-like =)

HAHAHAHA, i remember how when we met ppl in Sunway and they said hi, and afterwards we would be thinking 'okay, who was that again?' LOL. such epic fail.

I totally agree with 7. 'Me-time'. Nope, you're not a boring person at all =) believe me, i should know, i have so much fun when ur around XD

HAHAHHAHA. dishes. i know. can't keep you from the dishes.