Sunday, July 6, 2008

Update on Sydney Trip

The second day of my trip, we didn't feel like going out as it was drizzling the whole day. So we stayed home and chatted and watched One Tree Hill. Haha.
Summary of yesterday:
1) Chinatown!
2) Paddy's - this really cool market where all things sold are cheap. Seems like a tourist-y area too, as it was crowded. Kind of like Fremantle in Perth, except that Fremantle was emptier.
3) China Gardens - where we saw an episode of duck violence. Yes, you read that right! Duck violence! The mother/father duck was pecking at the smallest ducking ferociously, until an old man standing next to me threw a piece of bread at it. Weird, eh?
4) Ferry ride back to Circular Quay from the Darling Harbour wharf. - Loved the ride. Sure, it was freezing as it was late afternoon and the wind was biting, but the view was great. Again, attempted to take photos of ourselves by ourselves, but ended up missing the landmarks or parts of our faces. Haha.
So far, the trip has been nothing but fun! Really love it here. =)

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